Projects – 2015

SGC - 120 Crane
The SGC-120 is a crane I helped design, fabricate, and test at Sarens from 2009 through 2011. I developed the early concepts of Rigging International, and when Sarens purchased RI, the design began to move from paper to reality. In about 17 months, I went from a concept to a load-tested crane. This photo shows the SGC-120 at its first job, which was the construction of the Intel Fab-42 complex in Chandler, AZ, in 2011. My first job at AaronCo was helping Sarens with documentation and jib analysis of the SGC-120, which I had been a part of. It will be hard to top this project.

Load test in Belgium
This was an assembly for a load test on the 118 M boom configuration in Ghent, Belgium. I picked 3000 metric tons on 03-31-11 to qualify the crane for 2400 metric tons of rated capacity.

Fabrication in Manitowoc
Some of the fabrication was completed in Manitowoc, Wisconsin. This image shows a completed fairlead for the boom hoist. It was a 5,000-pound component with 40-inch sheaves.
Projects - 2016

CMS Crane Move at ITS Terminal
This was the first container crane that we moved in 2016. CMS was a startup company that I continue to work with today. This crane weighed 970 metric tons and was relocated on 11-28-16.

SARENS Rapid Bridge Replacement
Sarens replaced this bridge section in Rhode Island on September 11, 2016. The bridge section was 762 metric tons and was installed on the weekend. The existing bridge was removed, and the new bridge was installed in 83 hours.

PSC Blast Furnace Lift
PSC performed this lift on June 13, 2016, at ArcelorMittal in East Chicago. The blast furnace weighed an estimated 1500 metric tons. The specially designed lift system was used to raise the furnace and replace the trunnion bearings.
Projects - 2017

ERG Tank Lift System
ERG developed a unique tank lift system that consisted of 16 high-lift jackets arranged in a polar configuration. These jacks would ultimately be used to install silos. In this image, I am conducting a load test on 4 jacks. This load test was completed on 01-24-17 in Russellville, Arkansas. The 4 jacks raised and held 70T for a 115% load test.

L & R Rotor Move at Diablo Canyon
Lowther & Rolton provides third-party review and field supervision for heavy-lift projects. This was a rotor replacement at Diablo Canyon, completed by Sheedy. I provided site supervision for the 130-ton rotor transport on 05-05-17 at the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant.

CMS Crane Move at SSA Terminal
This was the first of four moves and modifications performed by Crane Management Services at the SSA Terminal in Oakland. Once these cranes were relocated off the rail, new leg sections were installed to "raise" the crane or add height. This 1415 T crane was moved on 05-10-17, and the last crane was moved into final position on 10-04-18 to complete the project.
Projects - 2018

ERG Compressor Replacement at Oconee
A custom 4-leg gantry was designed, fabricated, and used to remove and replace 10 T chiller compressors at Oconee Nuclear Power Plant. This project went from concept to project complete in 20 days. This is the new compressor being installed on 06-01-18.

CMS Crane Move at Trapac Terminal
This was a single crane relocation performed at the Trapac terminal in Oakland. The crane was 1470 T and was removed and replaced on 12-05-18.

ERG Variable Elevated Platform
The Engineered Rigging Group designed, fabricated, and load-tested these 4-post screw-driven work platforms. The platforms were rated for 20 T and were load-tested in December 2018 and January 2019. They were ultimately used at the Waterford Plant to replace condenser tubes.
Projects - 2019

ERG Load Test of the Crane Platform
This load test was conducted on 09-19-19 at Engineered Rigging's Russellville, Arkansas, shop site. This platform and Crane arrangement was ultimately used to retrofit a FedEx location in Indianapolis, Indiana. This test validates the structure for crane chart capacity at 69'-8" (4000 pounds).

ERG Crane Platform at FedEx
The Engineered Rigging Group fabricated, tested, and installed an external platform equipped with a PM-style knuckle boom crane. This crane and platform were used to retrofit a FedEx plant in Indianapolis, Indiana. Typical loads ranged from 1,000 to 10,000 pounds. This job began in October 2019 and lasted through April 2021.
Projects - 2020

ERG Cline Bridge Installation
Engineered Rigging Group used its Bridge Builder System to install bridge segments on the Cline Bridge in East Chicago, Indiana. This portion of the project was completed in October 2020. The system was used to install 19 segments, which weighed up to about 74 tons, or 148,000 pounds.

ERG Coal Hopper Installation
The Engineered Rigging Group designed, fabricated, tested, and used a system of screw-driven lifting beams to install a coal hopper in Ottumwa, Iowa. 12 lifting beams were used to raise the coal hopper assembly into place. The Hopper arrangement was 138 tons, or 276,000 pounds. On 10-16-20, the raise was completed, and the support structure was installed beneath.
Projects - 2021

Sarens Bridge Crane Installation
Sarens teamed with ACECO to install an updated bridge crane into the Neil Armstrong Operations High Bay at the NASA Kennedy Space Center in Florida. These lifts were performed on 03-10-21 with the Sarens Hydraulic Lift Unit (HLU). The heaviest lift was approximately 70 T or 140,000 lbs. This update was part of the Artemis II Mission project.

ERG / PSC Strand Jack Fabrication
Engineered Rigging Group and PSC teamed up to design, fabricate, and test this modular strand jack assembly. This unit contains a base, umbrella guide, console, strand jack, and recoiler. Four of these strand jack units were completed on 07-31-21. They have a rated capacity of 220 T or 440 K for each unit. These were fabricated specifically for NASA and have not been used. However, it is an excellent example of the fabrication abilities of ERG and PSC.
Projects - 2022

ERG Wittpenn Bridge Removal
The Engineered Rigging Group developed a lowering scheme to remove a 90-year-old bridge in New Jersey. The 210-foot-long 900 T or 1800 K bridge section was lowered to a barge on 01-23-22. The system required a substantial amount of custom structural reinforcement and (18X) strand jack units.

ERG Modular Building System
Engineered Rigging Group teamed up with LiftBuild to develop a lift system capable of constructing a building from the top floor down. Each floor section was fabricated at grade and then lifted into place and secured. The unique lift system was used to install floors 17 through 3. Each floor section was approximately 420 T or 840 K. The first lift was in March 2022, and the final lift was completed in January 2023 at Gratiot Park, Michigan.

L & R Vessel Installation
Lowther-Rolton supervised and supported several vessel lifts at the REG facility in Geismar Louisianna. The lift shown was a Deethanizer that weighed 110 T or 220 K and was installed with a 2-crane pick on 09-13-22. An absorber of similar weight and construction was previously installed in the background.